Club Penguin Cheats with Arctic Rage, Ccpenguin8, Mango Smango and Velocirapter88. Check here daily for site progress!

Hello Penguins!

This year’s Adventure Party has begun! Be sure to look at our tracker post to find Rockhopper. Here are the complete cheats for the party:

Free Items

Pineapple Headband – can be found at the Cove.

Watermelon Headband – can be found at the Dock.


Apple Headband – can be found at the Forest.


Grape Headband – can be found as a free item at Rockhopper’s Ship.

Volcano Challenge

Head over to the Snow Forts and you should see the entrance to a volcano/temple.


Go up the green steps and enter the volcano.


Throw 15 fruits (snowballs) into the belly of the volcano. Then click on what looks like a piece of paper at the bottom of the room to claim your Green Kahuna Background.

Exit the volcano and go up the other coloured steps and repeat the process, making sure to claim your background each time. The next time you go up the volcano, you should be able to claim a free grape costume! 🙂

Catalogue Cheats

The Adventure Party has brought with it a brand new catalogue for you to explore! Here are the complete cheats:

Apple Tiki Paint – found by clicking inside the Volcano Costume.


Watermelon Tiki Paint – Found by clicking on the grey spot in the top-right corner of the catalogue.

Temple Quest (MEMBERS ONLY!)

Back at the Snow Forts, where the Volcano is, there should be a little entrance down at the bottom. Waddle over to it. The following message should appear:


Click on the Watermelon. You will be transported to the Dock. Claim the Watermelon by clicking on it:


Okay, that’s one of the sacred fruits collected. Now, open up that mesage again and click on the Apple. You will be transported to the Forest. Claim the Apple:


Open up the message again and click the Pineapple (yum, my favourite!). You will be transported to the Cove. Claim the Pineapple:


That’s all the sacred fruits collected! Now, head back to the Snow Forts and that entrance will open:


Waddle inside. You will be inside a maze. All you need to do is walk through it. A cage will come down on you, but just wait a few seconds and it will lift up. Then, simply throw snowballs at the targets and waddle through the door at the end. You will notice a giant Watermelon rolling toward you after a few seconds. DON’T let it squash you. Escape by waddling through the door at the end of the passage. Simple, right? You’ll end up in the final room, where you can grab the Apple costume:


A new costume will come available each day.

Thanks a lot for reading these cheats. Stay tuned for more CP news, guides and cheats from The Club Penguin Cheats Writers!

Waddle on CP,

Ccpenguin8 😀

Comments on: "Club Penguin Adventure Party 2012: Temple of Fruit Cheats!" (1)

  1. Nice! Great work Ccpenguin (I was too lazy to put the adventure party cheats….. 🙂
